Restricted-Access Portfolios

See below for protected gallery with images involving moderate/artistic nudity

I'm sometimes asked about creating images involving nudity or other sensitive content. As long as the goal is artistic expression and/or some form of portraiture, and the images are not used to exploit or embarass anyone, the answer is "yes". I emphasize professionalism and as much discretion and privacy as you require, and can work with you to design and create stunning images in a safe and non-judgmental environment. Sensitive images are safeguarded accordingly; see our Nudity and Sensitive Content guide for more info.

If you're looking for porn or tasteless violence, you'll be disappointed. This gallery is protected simply to prevent accidental viewing and copying by web "bots".


--- You will honor the legal Copyrights held by Jeff Knowles/Ardent Images -- meaning you will NOT not download, print, save, copy, email, post, modify, or share the images found in this section without specific consent from Jeff Knowles (if the image is available for purchase in the shopping cart, that constitutes consent to purchase/use that image).

--- You understand this portfolio gallery contains no pornographic, illegal, or sexually explicit content but DOES contain implied, partial, and/or full nudity. By entering the password, you are indicating you are NOT offended by the nude human body portrayed in artistic and/or portrait-oriented contexts.

--- By entering you agree to respect our clients' and models' privacy just as we do. These images may NOT be further distributed or shared outside the context of this gallery without our permission, except where available for ordering as art prints or files via the gallery shopping cart.

You are welcome to contact Ardent Images about modeling for portfolio work in this area, or commissioning similar style work. Additional samples relevant to the project you have in mind may be available offline, upon request.

When your browser prompts you for a user name and password, enter the following (without the - hyphens in the password and it IS case sensitive):

Username: ardentvisitor      Password: a-r-t-i-s-t-i-c-n-u-d-e-1

Enter Restricted Gallery 1